Made in Vienna
Deployment & User Interface
On-site / on-premise deployment
MVA is installed locally, on your infrastructure, inside your institute / hospital / company, giving you full control over your data and annotations.

Trivial single file deployment and installation on Linux and macOS, with very low hardware requirements
Cloud deployment
Alternatively, MVA can be hosted in the cloud, on infrastruture operated and monitored by MVA
User Interface
The user interface, based on WebAssembly (WASM), runs in all modern web browsers and allows to use MVA from anywhere (including tablets) – no installation necessary

The system is designed to provide a fluid user experience for 3D annotations even on commodity hardware and slow / high-latency internet connections, e.g. for world-wide research co-operations
Custom Adaptations
Adaptation to your requirements
Every annotation project is different. Designed to be flexible, MVA can be adapted to suit your needs. You can for example specify individual workflows, data formats or reporting requirements
Development of new features
Going beyond the adaptation of existing functionality, entirely new features can be developed for your project, in tight collaboration between MVA and your institution.

For example optimized editing tools and in-browser visualizations or integration with your in-house user & data management and existing AI infrastructure
Import of existing annotation projects
Large scale research projects run for years. MVA makes it possible to import these results and continue the annotation project with MVA.

Additionally, there is no lock-in – you can always export all your data from MVA
2D / 3D viewer
Fast in-browser viewer and editor, for any 2D and 3D image type, up to whole-body CTs. Support for switching between imaging sequences for MRI and support for Hounsfield units incl windowing presets
Classic / superpixel based brushes
Annotate your 2D and 3D images with brushes or superpixel based tools
Multiple labels per voxel
Assign a single or multple labels per voxel, e.g. for anatomy and pathology, or for overlapping pathological areas
Propagation between slices
Propagate the labels from one slice to the next, automatically deforming the annotations to match the new image
Slice and volume labels
Instead of labelling individual pixels / voxels, assign labels to entire slices or the whole volume
Negative slice and volume labels
Specify that a label is absent in a slice or volume. Mutual exclusivity between positive and negative labels is ensured throughout voxels / slices / volume
Edit existing annotations
Upload existing annotations or model predictions together with the image data - correct them in MVA or get expert feedback
Label hierarchies
Use multiple, hierarchically organized label sets, for example for anatomical structure and pathologies. Map the labels to semantic ontologies like Radlex and Snomed
Keyboard driven
Keyboard hotkeys for fast, strain-free editing – no need to hold the mouse button all day long
Rectangles / Circles / Polygons
Draw bounding boxes or more complicated shapes quickly
Contour-Snapping Bezier Curves
Maximizes the annotation speed and reproducibility when annotating smooth structures, such as optical layers in OCT
AI brushes and auto-segmentation
AI-powered brushes and labelling tools based on state of the art models
on roadmap
Projects / Workflows
A project in MVA models the propagation of the images through the steps of import / annotation / review / export. Projects can have arbitrary structure, with annotations and review steps mixed at will. Each step can have different users assigned with specific settings what each user is allowed to do at each step.

For example, a quick initial screening node with simple "Yes / No" input can be followed by multiple rounds of detailed voxel annotation and review steps. Cases can be reassigned and even the workflow can be reconfigured while an annotation campaign is running
Custom Forms
Custom forms can be designed inside MVA, with checkboxes / radiobuttons / text fields. These can be used per slice and per volume to ask the annotators or reviewers complex questions about the data. Input in these forms can also be configured to affect the progression of a case through the workflow
Users / Teams / Roles / Permissions
MVA allows fine-grained control over users / teams and their roles and permissions. Control who sees what, who can annotate / review cases and who can manage the system, with preconfigured roles for ML devs, annotators, reviewers and project managers
Dashboard / Statistics / Reporting
For each project fine grained status information is avaible on overall progress and individual cases' status. See user and team time tracking information, productivity and review scores on a daily / weekly / monthly basis. All information can be visualized inside MVA and exported as highly detailed Excel documents
Custom workflow steps
As part of the customization pledge by MVA, new workflow steps can be implemented which map exactly to your needs, may it be annotation / review tasks, interaction with your infrastructure or notification channels
Data Import / Export
Data transfer
Image data including existing annotations can be imported and exported either via a command line utility or via Amazon S3 (or other S3 compatible) data buckets
Image Import
Image data can be imported as NIfTI volumes or DICOM series, as well as common 2D image formats
Annotations Import
Existing annotations can be imported along the image data as NIfTI volumes
Annotations Export
Pixel / voxel annotations are exported as NIfTI volumes. Positive as well as negative slice and volume labels are exported as JSON
Made in Vienna